Want to know the stats? (I have them very nearly memorized.) This is your link: The ECHL - Premier 'AA' Hockey League | Roster
Want to know what I know for myself (the completely epic and collective awesomeness that is the 2010-11 team for the Utah Grizzlies)? Read on.
Simon Ferguson (3)
Birthday: April 6, 1983.
Maybe I shouldn't begin with my favourite or by stating that he is my favourite, but he is listed first on the official roster and there is my excuse...though, to be honest, I'd list him first regardless of his number.
When I came home from witnessing one of my very first Grizzly games, I was asked by others if there were any standout players. Simon Ferguson was the first name and number that came to mind. I copied and pasted his info from the roster sheet and forwarded it on to others. "Him." People often ask me "Why Simon?"...my answer was from the very beginning: "Because he is the best." At the time, stats-wise, he actually wasn't...but you couldn't miss him; back-talking refs, cursing up a storm in the penalty box, instigating fights, scoring/assisting goals, and showing up to defend his team.
I respect and admire Simon Ferguson. I watch him work the ice, I see the passion crackling in his eyes. So many people, teammates and fans alike, take their cue from him. If he's depressed, the whole rink dims accordingly. If he's electrified, the whole rink lights up and feeds off of his enthusiasm. He's a hell of an athlete and a leader, and I can't help but acknowledge it.
Marcus Carroll (8)
Birthday: January 15, 1989
Marcus is one the kindest, most relaxed, and genuine players around. He's just generous. It's the best word I can think of to describe him. Anytime I talk to him it's always: "What do you need? What can I do for you? What would you like? How can I help you? What would you like to know? Do you need me for anything?" And, like almost all hockey players, he has this guardian quality to him, this feeling that he will defend everything he values with everything he's got. You sit with him and you just feel safe. He's the best sort of brother.
On the ice? Wow. He can shoot, he can make a play, he can agitate. He's so hard-working. Marcus is easy to pick out because he always lowers himself, curls himself forward and just sprints as fast as he can from one end of the rink to the other. As a result, on my camera, when I see him he is always glossed over in a sheen of sweat, every edge of him glowing under the lights.
In conclusion, Marcus is the kind of player that when he scores a goal, you don't just stand up and cheer for the score itself...you cheer because he did it well...and because he took the time to doodle on your jersey late after a game when he could have been walking out to his car.
Tom May (14)
Birthday: April 24, 1985
Tom May. Now this is an interesting guy. For some bizarre reason, Tom May really likes the month of January (edit: AND FEBRUARY, edit: AND MARCH). He's a pretty consistent player, but during January (edit: AND FEBRUARY, edit: AND MARCH), he becomes an excellent one (note: goal-scoring and assisting streak of awesomeness). And would you look at that expression. Tom May is ~*serious*~. Whatever...I see a smile trying to come through. Go ahead, Tom, it's okay. We don't mind. Birthday: November 16, 1988
WAIVED/CLAIMED by Toledo Walleye
I am the World's #1 Maxime Tanguay fan. I believe 100% in this man and you should too. If the Grizzlies can unleash the genius in him...it's going to be amazing. He's fast, probably one of the fastest in the league, and is a very good player with an extraordinary feel for the ice and for the way a play is going. He's not complicated; trust him with the puck, defend him, and pay attention. Max can handle a puck with the nimbleness of a watchmaker and if you know him, if you watch him, you'll see that flicker in his eye, that intelligent spark, that says "I just got an idea". Every time I see that on the ice, he makes me smile. I enjoy watching him play with the team and I hope his time here helps him to grow more as an athlete. It's a brilliant match; Max belongs here, right now, with the most talented team in the ECHL.
Max is my other favourite with Simon. I didn't think that any other player could come close to the love I have for Simon, but then I found out we were getting a trade from Alaska and when I learned it was Maxime Tanguay... I had a stroke and now Simon must share his favoured status with him and may probably never forgive me.
Paul Crowder (20)
Birthday: February 12, 1985
(Also known as "the Older Crowder"). I honestly don't know very much about Paul as I have met him only briefly, and hadn't seen him on the ice since November when he scored two goals in the same game against Las Vegas and another goal in a game later on, but he made such an impression back then that I was ecstatic for his return. Since his return I get this feeling it will take him a while to get back to the form we last saw, but I have complete confidence that the Paul Crowder I saw on the ice months ago will resurface better than ever.
Kevin Deeth (21)
Birthday: May 26, 1987
I make a point of bringing people who have never seen hockey before at least once a week during home stands and if there are children with us they always marvel at Kevin Deeth. The smallest guy on the team is an absolute lionheart. Creative, courageous, and consistent, the "Deether" does not shy from taking on opponents twice his size and weight, slamming them into the glass, or accepting their invitations to fight if need be. He was our leading scorer last season, with this fantastic ability to anticipate space and send the puck where it needs to go. He doesn't believe he'll ever make it to the NHL, which is a shame, because he seems to have the confidence in everything else he undertakes on the ice.
Off of the ice? Kevin Deeth is one of the best people we know. He'll stop and talk to us no matter how late it is or how hungry he may happen to be. And his kindness doesn't just begin and end with the people he knows. Every single week Kevin Deeth is nominated by others for the "Magnanimous Bear Award" on our blog because he's... well... magnanimous. If we could give him the award every week we would, but then it wouldn't be fair.
Btw, apparently, he really likes Sour Patch Kids Candy and he's so damn good he deserves boxes and boxes and boxes of them.
Off of the ice? Kevin Deeth is one of the best people we know. He'll stop and talk to us no matter how late it is or how hungry he may happen to be. And his kindness doesn't just begin and end with the people he knows. Every single week Kevin Deeth is nominated by others for the "Magnanimous Bear Award" on our blog because he's... well... magnanimous. If we could give him the award every week we would, but then it wouldn't be fair.
Btw, apparently, he really likes Sour Patch Kids Candy and he's so damn good he deserves boxes and boxes and boxes of them.
Chris Donovan (23)
Birthday: August 26, 1985
(Edit: photo was taken during his January injury, but he has since returned to the ice.)
I can now say that I have officially met him and Chris...you snot...you little snot. Where is the doodle I was promised?! You know what?!! No writing from me until you complete your drawing. Yes. I am holding a proper bio of you for ransom. The moment you show up and finish that doodle I will type up a bio gushing about your awesomeness, but until then...you are a snot. And, no, that is not the same as a love booger. That is the antithesis of love booger. I await your return with a sharpie marker.
EDIT: So...Chris...you finally caved. I suppose this means I owe you the requisite paragraph concerning how wonderful you are. Okay. Can do.
Chris Donovan is a cheeky, flirtatious, little snot, but he's one of my all time favourites for being so. Talking with him is always a delight, he's got a lop-sided impish smile and a twinkle in his eye that makes you doubt just about everything he says. He'll go on and on about how not good-looking is because he's fishing for compliments. He knows it...but he wants to hear you say it. And it's okay to stroke that ego a bit because he'll return the favour if you've humoured him well enough and being complimented by Chris Donovan is a treat, especially if he decides to break into his Irish accent, which is almost as adorable as Hugo Carpentier trying to say the word "third".
On the ice? Chris Donovan was, after all, our "rookie of the year". And it was well deserved. I had no idea he even was a rookie until they handed that award over to him four days ago. That's mostly me being bad and not reading up on him, but I've never felt a need to. Chris Donovan puts it all on the ice. Every weekend. Every game.
Brent Gauvreau (27)
Birthday: June 28, 1980
Yay! I have finally met Brent. Now granted I didn't get to sit down and have nice long chat, but I did get far more than the last time we crossed paths and I can see now why so many of the season ticket holders adore him. Brent Gauvreau has an almost giddy kindness to him. He was one of the few who drew something personal enough on my jersey that I honestly WILL remember him always for it, which was the whole point of the doodle jersey until it became a den of goofy smiley faces, hockey sticks and MAPLE LEAFS.
Brett Parnham (28)
Birthday: January 30, 1989
Brett is a guy with his eye on the puck, his focus entirely on his game....rarely does he lose his cool. He's almost Zen. I once stated in a post that Brett has only one expression on the ice and that is: intense concentration. He appears to see everything and this is certainly evident by his impressive tally of goals and assists and his recent string of both. His utter professionalism also means he meshes well with just about any configuration of players, but pair him with the best and the team becomes a wolf pack on the ice. He is the serene scout of the rink, seeing chances, creating chances; the entire team benefiting from his quiet observations. I've since met Brett and I have to say that what I saw on the ice seems an awful lot like the guy off of it. The man has the countenance and temperament of a world class sniper.
Tim Crowder (40)
Birthday: October 16, 1986
(a.k.a. the "Younger Crowder"). When I first started attending Grizzlies games and it became apparent I was a fan of Simon Ferguson I had legions of fans try to convince me that it was Tim Crowder's name I should be bouncing off of the walls about rather than Simon's. They didn't change my mind, but that doesn't mean they didn't have a point. Tim Crowder is worthy of fan love. 53 goal points right now. 12 goals. 19 assists. Always an even or better. The man just plays good hockey. I can't say I've really met him, which makes me sad and this must be changed soon so Tim...when you have a moment...get your ball-cap wearing self over to the doodle jersey and let's have ourselves a chat.
Hugo Carpentier (49)
March 17, 1988
There are a few players on the Grizzlies that have such stand-out personalities they earn nicknames from me whether they want them or not. Hugo Carpentier is the "Imp". The man has four main expressions on the ice, like cardinal directions: Maniacal Rage, Normal Guy Rage, Maniacal Glee, and Normal Guy Glee. Nine times out of ten you're going to see "Maniacal Glee." This is because Hugo Carpentier is an instigator. I don't know why every hockey team in the world is required to have a francophone playboy as an instigator, but you will not see me complaining about this. But what an imp. And to make things even more interesting...how many imps do you know that typically have an even or better, in addition to fourteen goals, and twenty-one assists? He isn't an instigator because he can't do anything else. He's the "Imp" because he's good enough to drive you crazy and still kick your ass at hockey.
Riley Emmerson (59)
Birthday: February 7, 1986
Riley Emmerson. I've spoken of him many many many times as the most feared pair of fists in the ECHL. I've spoken of him so often, and with so much affection that I don't know what else I can say. That said, I suppose I will go ahead and say this: despite his limited ice time, Riley doesn't go whacking people for the hell of it. He is the big gun. The final straw. If Riley is on the ice, someone on the opposing team is about to be warned or about to be smooshed and the smooshing only comes after fair warning. Riley is a code-enforcer. He is all about honor and respect. He will never ever bad mouth a man he's beaten, and not even those he knows deserve it. I myself have been gently reprimanded by him when I was still learning what I could and could not discuss. He's the kind of guy that when he gets serious you shut.the.hell.up and then a second later he pats on you on the head and is all "now what do you want to eat?"
Brendan Milnamow (7)
Birthday: January 17, 1986
I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Brendan Milnamow because the very first time I met him I was suffering from a terrible week, and by the time we sat down to talk to each other I was about to burst into tears. If he'd been a jackass I very likely would have, but as chance would have it, he stopped me right before I could, smiled, and listened with the sort of compassionate patience only the very best people in the world possess. For that single trait alone I will always hold him in the highest esteem. On the ice, Brendan is a classy defenseman. I know we all love seeing those fierce checks into the glass, but that doesn't seem to be Brendan's style. Brendan is just going to beat you to wherever you're trying to go and stop you from getting there. He's always in the way of the opposition, sending up a spray of ice...he's the cowboy, penning up the cattle and keeping them where they belong...on THAT side of the ice. OVER THERE.
Matt Clarke (15)
Birthday: April 8, 1988
I can't say I know a whole lot about Matt Clarke even though I have met him a few times. He doesn't come across as the warmest or fan-friendliest of players, but then he surprises you. Matt Clarke is everywhere on the ice, with swift smooth skating, and an offensive game to his defensive position. He's versatile and observant and I've seen him paired with all sorts and do just fine most of the time.
Matt Sorteberg (17)
Birthday: March 2, 1986
Aww, Matt, you sweet guy, you. We'll always remember you best for your shy smile in your thank you video to one of our own. It takes a lot of courage and down-to-earth goodness to be willing to be yourself like that for the internet and you won major brownie points for it. You're a versatile and balanced guy I've seen do just about everything on the ice: defend, score, assist, and see some time in the penalty box for everything else. And you sang the teapot song. MEGA. MEGA points for that.
David Shulz (22)
Birthday: January 3, 1986
Most of my shots of this man involve him making some of the most magnificent checks against the glass and getting ice all over it. David is the versatile guy who isn't afraid to do whatever it is you ask him to do. If he happens to be in a position to help with a goal, he'll try his best. If he's in position to nail that dude against the glass and drop the gloves over it, he'll do that too. And like all of our best defensemen, David will do it with a nod and a smile.
Brock Wilson (25)
Birthday: October 15, 1984
(a.k.a. "the man formerly known as 'hair'.") It has never surprised anyone to learn that Brock Wilson is a fan favourite the moment they meet him off the ice or see him on it. At any game you are bound to hear a chorus of "WILSON!!!"s being screamed from a variety of sections. At every auction you are guaranteed a catfight over the man and large sums of money shelled out for anything that might have touched him. Before I met him and understood the peculiar phenomenon that is brock-worship, I loved him for his speed. You just could not miss the guy. Here. Now he's there. Now he's here. Now he's there. He also had long hair that fluttered under his helmet as he sprinted by. Hence...the nickname "hair." Then, several months ago, back when he still had said hair and I did not have a press pass, he stopped in the middle of a hallway and took the time to say hello and have a brief, but pleasant chat with me that included a hug. The very first player I ever held a conversation with was him. Like most of the guys on the team, Brock is a very direct man who says what he thinks or nothing at all, and as intimidating as that can be, he still manages to balance it out by having a near-constant smile, a swift kiss-to-the-cheek at the ready, and a sense of humour inked permanently into the left shoulder of my jersey which (when I discovered it while driving home after the last game) caused me to laugh so hard it brought tears to my eyes. Brock is one of those players who changed everything about the game for me...in the best sense. I know why he is so beloved because I've experienced his charisma firsthand. He's not just a great player, he's a player who figured out, a long time ago, what he loves about his job and he's always returning his love of the game back to the fans.
Brian Kilburg (44)
Birthday: May 10, 1984
Brian is another one of those players that I cannot say I know very well as I have met him briefly a couple of times and never with enough conversation involved to say I have any idea just who he is. What I can remark on is what I see behind the lens, which is a man I adore for his constant smile. Of the dozens upon dozens of shots I have of Brian Kilburg, not one has the man frowning. Every. Single. Shot has Brian Kilburg smiling or Brian Kilburg laughing and frequently Brian Kilburg doing both simultaneously. It doesn't matter if he's checking an opposing player, using his solid frame to pin them to the wall, or pounding them to pieces on the ice. He can be warning a guy of an impending fight, or glaring at them in a face off. But Brian Kilburg is always smiling. He's also the one I see heading over to the goalie now and then to cheer them on, the first one to help another player to his feet, one of the first usually to skate by a teammate being accosted by another player to ask if they require his services (that would be his fists if need be). I have to admit that based on those things I have a bit of a soft spot for the big guy. He's not downright scary like Riley is. Brian is super-approachable semi-enforcer of doom. And he owes me a doodle. I know you've drawn on the jersey, but I've decided that smiley faces are no longer acceptable. It was fine when Marcus started it. But now I want something more unique even if you smile more than the entire team combined. *edit: And now he has drawn something new and I love it. Thank you, Brian!
Giffen Nyren (55)
Birthday: April 18, 1989
The first time I met Giff, the man looked at me in a sort of terror. I think it was because I used the word "blog" and "tell me about yourself" in the same sentence. I really do not blame him. I would have frozen up too. Technically, I did. Since that time, Giffen has loosened up. He drew an enormous maple leaf on my jersey and every time I see it my brain registers "Giff". That said, over the last few months, Mr. Giffen Nyren has really grown on me. Some of the most incredible photographs I have involve him being his fearless, usually happy, and downright talented self. I've also noticed that if he is last on the ice, he passes the puck to the fans...it's just cool of him to do it and the fans see it and remember it.
Tyler Sims (30)
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Birthday: November 9, 1985 |
Goliath and I liked Tyler Sims the very first time we saw him in the net for the Grizzlies and we've grown to appreciate him more as we've gotten to know him over the last few weeks. The first time we met Tyler at the rink he greeted us as though he were welcoming us into his home and family; he was warm, affable, and generous with his time. In fact, "affable" really is the best word possible to describe him because that's exactly how he is: friendly, courteous, sociable. He'll shake your hand, hug you, and ask you how you are with real sincerity. It's hard not to like him the moment you meet him. He's intelligent, thoughtful, and excellent company. We believe a great deal not just in his abilities on the ice, for Tyler is a very talented keen-eyed goalie we have never seen slack for a moment, but in his abilities off of the ice as well. He is the type of player who can and likely will continue to contribute many good things to the sport even once he decides he is done playing. Keep an eye on this one, and expect good things.
Andrew Engelage (32)
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Birthday: October 26, 1988 |
I still recall the first time I saw Andrew Engelage on the ice. He was JP's back-up at the time and he was filling in for the man. Minutes into the game I saw him reach out and snatch a puck right out of the air with the kind of reflex, skill, and...a sort of artful "grace" that you would expect to see in the NHL and not at this level. It was smooth, practiced, easy...performed with the posture of a man challenging the opposing team wordlessly, "Come on...you'll have to do better than that. Entertain me," he seemed to say. I loved him instantly.
Andrew Engelage has often been called the "backbone" of the team. This is a true statement for any good goalie, but when the coach says it, when his teammates say it, when his fans say it, you get the impression that we don't just think he's a good goalie...we know he's a great one. He is beloved and respected by all, our most valuable player (even won the award too), and when "Engy" went to the AHL for a time, scores of us mourned.
Andrew is immediately identifiable on the ice, now don't go and be cheeky and say "of course he is, he's the goalie" I mean the guy has the build and personality of a most memorable man. He is, by far, the tallest goalie I have ever seen. When he comes out onto the ice he sways toward the net like a great oak tree rocking in a breeze. He'll glance at photographers and fans, bright blue eyes scanning the crowd, maybe crack a smile if he's feeling particularly good. The moment the game begins, however, he transforms into a warrior; his expression focused and his eyes flickering dangerously with a quick and penetrating intelligence. He is an intimidating mountain of a man in the net; swift, fearless, aggressive, bordering violent if the game does not go well. He is extremely competitive and passionate. He demands and expects excellence of himself and when things go badly you can see he really feels every loss. When he walks out the glass doors after a bad game, he is in no mood to talk, his mind is elsewhere, replaying things, learning from them, the will to win coming off of him in hot invisible angry waves.
TO BE CONTINUED...because management keeps changing the roster on me and it's really frustrating. I'm trying to blog here!!!