Saturday, April 2, 2011

Canada Plays an April Fools Joke on Youareahockeyfan blog.

This afternoon Goliath and I were pleased to discover in the blog's P.O. box a care package from Youareahockeyfan blog reader "Meesh" of Alberta, Canada for the Utah Grizzlies with instructions that one bag of ketchup chips and one pack of gum was for us.  The ketchup chips, of course, became "invisible" the moment Goliath found them...but the gum stared up at us from the wooden coffee table. It stayed there mostly because it kept cheerily explaining to us that: "It still tastes like soap!"

Uh...Canada? Are you serious? (Yes, it occurred to us that the package conveniently arrived on April Fools Day, but Canada had given us other questionable goodies that we ultimately became obsessed with. What did we have to be frightened of?) I opened the package carefully.  I made a small hole at the top and I took a cautious sniff.

It smelled like laundry detergent.  Like lavender laundry detergent.  Oh my goodness...was Canada serious...really really serious?  After all, this is the same country that gave us ketchup chips and coffee crisps and loonies and Bon Cop Bad Cop and Outlander and Tanguays and Simon and ice wouldn't do this to us would it?

Yes.  Yes it would.  Especially on the First of April.

Seeing the evil look in my eye...Goliath gave the gum a wide berth.  We brought the other packs of gum and the rest of the care package to the boys last night and let most of them choose whatever they liked from the box.  Finally, rather late in the evening, who should walk out of the locker room in his spiffy suit than our very own team Captain...Simon Ferguson?
Simon proceeds to pick up not only a minty aero bar from the "Alberta Package of Awesomeness" (which had, throughout most of the evening, resulted in girly giddy squeals of "OMG KETCHUP CHIPS" which, let me tell you, is very amusing when it comes out of the mouths of professional hockey players) but a package of the Thrills Gum...with a bewildered expression on his face.

"It still tastes like soap? What the hell kind of advertising is that?"

It's Canadian, Simon. You're Canadian.  Stand up for your country. Eat the gum.  EAT IT.

My dear beloved readers...Simon Ferguson ate the gum.

Which, of course, now meant that Goliath was going to have to eat the gum too.

So only do I have a mouth spewing floral laundry detergent scent everytime I talk, but I have Goliath and Simon Ferguson in a pissing contest.

Good gods, help me.

Happy April Fools Day, Canada, and thank you....sort of.

Seriously, though, that package was amazing...thank you so much for thinking of us and spoiling the's been amazing!!! We will post some of the photo-replies to the fan art page soon.  THANK YOU.


  1. Lmao XDDDD omg if that was on a pack of gum that it still tasted like soap I couldn't even pick it up...thats werid XD I love your animations though they are always a good laugh.

  2. LOL!!!!!! You are awesome. Alberta is awesome. Simon and Goliath are awesome.

  3. Per Penny's suggestion, I have a comment to post!


    yuck! soap flavored gum? But gotta hand it to you for trying it! and lol at Simon, gotta be a "must be tough" facade. he's adorable!

    and even a couple of days later, I still mean it! go simon, you handsome hockey player you.

    ps, since you're both up for dares, I think I might have to find some intense Newfoundland things that might frighten you. ;)
