Monday, May 23, 2011

You thought I was kidding...

I a matter of fact...get some pretty weird traffic visiting the site on a regular basis.   Along with being the premier destination for the answer to "Simon Ferguson Sexy" on the google search engine (I wish I were kidding)....the youareahockeyfan blog is also, just now mind you (as in under the "now" option), one of the destinations for those looking for information regarding Calgary's recent churro crisis:

...and whether or not Maxim Lapierre is, in fact, an asshole.

And look at that... are there perks to being a hockey player's girlfriend?  My dear, if you are looking that up you obviously don't like hockey enough and the men who play it (or if you do it is for all of the wrong reasons)...because a hockey-playing man is a perk all on his own, pro or not.

I just don't know.  Truly....truly I don't.  But I will say this...I get to laugh every single day because of beautiful things like "maxim lapierre asshole" showing up in my statistics bar.  I swear...I was drinking my water...and it went up my nose.  Thank you, whoever that was, that was awesome.



    Not that I didn't believe you. XD
