Friday, September 16, 2011

I wasn't kidding, (Part Two)

Several months ago, I made a post about some of the interesting search engine subjects that, for whatever bizarre reason, direct people to this blog.   I have actually hurt myself from laughing at times because it can get pretty fantastic (and even a little creepy...especially, when I've had a few anonymous people leave me messages via them.)

But today?  Today a new topic popped up in my statistics bar that I have never before seen and, quite frankly, I have no idea what to think of.

The magicial butt fairy.  Image search even.  I.....  I...............

I am speechless and laughing, which I suppose translates to silent gasping giggles.

Now I have no memory of ever discussing a magical butt fairy on this blog, nor do I have any particular desire to do so in the future, but this was just priceless and I had to share.   *wipes tear from eye*  Ahhh, the internet.

Australia, my darling Australia, do I even want to know?


  1. *snigger* must mean something...maybe if you rub the players butt they appear...or something...three wishes maybe?

  2. Lol XDD *dies* I just have no comment for that!
