Remember the blog has now become its own site. Little by little much of this will disappear. All portraits, all team/game updates, all blog entries are now at:
Catch the new RSS feed here.
See you there.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Dear Readers,
WWW.YOUAREAHOCKEYFAN.COM has been revamped and is now live.
Technically, it is still in its "testing" stage...but don't let that stop you! Come on by, check it out, test the features, join the Fan Forum, get the RSS, and all that jazz. The store isn't up yet because we are still waiting on license and incorporation, but it should be sometime soon.
I'm going to be vulnerable for a moment: the future of this blog, this site, is going to hinge on sponsors, advertisers and backers. We recently had the equivalent of a quarter of Goliath's annual salary stolen by a trusted contractor and friend who promptly filed bankruptcy and left us with a half finished barn, a half finished house, and a very bruised spirit. If I've come across as a sappy sad mess lately (or alternately, quiet and cold)...that's why. It was a huge loss, a personal betrayal, and it hurt. Due to the contractor's declaration of bankruptcy and fleeing the state, I (and all of the others he swindled) cannot pursue him legally leaving me no recourse to recoup our losses. This has meant that funds that would have gone to supporting this blog have been redirected to those unfinished projects. I have to buy season tickets just like everyone else. I don't know what to do. I want to say I'll see you at the rink come October 14th, but the truth of today, I just can't do it. Any offer of support, interest in advertising, big or small, private or public would be met with massive tears of appreciation, love and joy from your Penny (as well as other goodies!)
Thank you so much for the support. Hockey changed my life. This team changed my life. You know how a person can be headed in a bad direction and something or someone comes and takes them by the shoulders and sets them right again? They make movies about those sorts of sappy platonic love affairs with sports and sports teams. That happened to me last winter. It sounds absurd, but if you've ever experienced being saved by something, you know I'm not joking. This team and this sport made the difference and I wouldn't be here without them.
Anyway, no matter what, I will look forward to continuing to be your leading source of churro-flavoured Grizzlies Mania in the future even if it means listening to every game over the internet. You know I will! It worked for my love affair with the Habs, if I must, it'll work for the Grizz.
WWW.YOUAREAHOCKEYFAN.COM has been revamped and is now live.
Technically, it is still in its "testing" stage...but don't let that stop you! Come on by, check it out, test the features, join the Fan Forum, get the RSS, and all that jazz. The store isn't up yet because we are still waiting on license and incorporation, but it should be sometime soon.
I'm going to be vulnerable for a moment: the future of this blog, this site, is going to hinge on sponsors, advertisers and backers. We recently had the equivalent of a quarter of Goliath's annual salary stolen by a trusted contractor and friend who promptly filed bankruptcy and left us with a half finished barn, a half finished house, and a very bruised spirit. If I've come across as a sappy sad mess lately (or alternately, quiet and cold)...that's why. It was a huge loss, a personal betrayal, and it hurt. Due to the contractor's declaration of bankruptcy and fleeing the state, I (and all of the others he swindled) cannot pursue him legally leaving me no recourse to recoup our losses. This has meant that funds that would have gone to supporting this blog have been redirected to those unfinished projects. I have to buy season tickets just like everyone else. I don't know what to do. I want to say I'll see you at the rink come October 14th, but the truth of today, I just can't do it. Any offer of support, interest in advertising, big or small, private or public would be met with massive tears of appreciation, love and joy from your Penny (as well as other goodies!)
Thank you so much for the support. Hockey changed my life. This team changed my life. You know how a person can be headed in a bad direction and something or someone comes and takes them by the shoulders and sets them right again? They make movies about those sorts of sappy platonic love affairs with sports and sports teams. That happened to me last winter. It sounds absurd, but if you've ever experienced being saved by something, you know I'm not joking. This team and this sport made the difference and I wouldn't be here without them.
Anyway, no matter what, I will look forward to continuing to be your leading source of churro-flavoured Grizzlies Mania in the future even if it means listening to every game over the internet. You know I will! It worked for my love affair with the Habs, if I must, it'll work for the Grizz.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I wasn't kidding, (Part Two)
Several months ago, I made a post about some of the interesting search engine subjects that, for whatever bizarre reason, direct people to this blog. I have actually hurt myself from laughing at times because it can get pretty fantastic (and even a little creepy...especially, when I've had a few anonymous people leave me messages via them.)
But today? Today a new topic popped up in my statistics bar that I have never before seen and, quite frankly, I have no idea what to think of.
The magicial butt fairy. Image search even. I..... I...............
I am speechless and laughing, which I suppose translates to silent gasping giggles.
Now I have no memory of ever discussing a magical butt fairy on this blog, nor do I have any particular desire to do so in the future, but this was just priceless and I had to share. *wipes tear from eye* Ahhh, the internet.
Australia, my darling Australia, do I even want to know?
But today? Today a new topic popped up in my statistics bar that I have never before seen and, quite frankly, I have no idea what to think of.
The magicial butt fairy. Image search even. I..... I...............
I am speechless and laughing, which I suppose translates to silent gasping giggles.
Now I have no memory of ever discussing a magical butt fairy on this blog, nor do I have any particular desire to do so in the future, but this was just priceless and I had to share. *wipes tear from eye* Ahhh, the internet.
Australia, my darling Australia, do I even want to know?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
This is what I get.
And that's what I get for having the man learn hockey instead of me over the summer.
In other news:
1. made a formal apology and removed the image. A ton of thanks to all of my readers who wrote letters or tried to leave comments encouraging them to do the right thing. Those who did were professional and polite about it, and though the company ultimately took the path of least resistance which was to both expected and acceptable, it was a victory for artists and thank you! A special thanks too, to my lovely Jasmine in Montreal for helping to translate all that legal nonsense into the french language for me. As soon as they received the french version, they cooperated. Go figure.
2. A bit of news from around the world...mostly Europe. Fergie-stealing Europe. Kevin Deeth did well in his premiere, but of course he did. Brock Wilson is probably feeling a ton of pressure over in England prepping with the Nottingham Panthers who really really want that title that keeps evading them because their defense has mostly sucked. They're hoping Brock will change things around. I have confidence in him and the fact that they picked him to begin with tells me they're thinking the same thing. In the meantime, we've got Shea Guthrie with the Coventry Blaze, also in England, and a rival of the Panthers. The Blaze have a tradition of prepping before everyone else, so they'll surely bring the heat on Brock. Best of luck to both boys, even though that means pitting them against one another. JP Lamoureux has been impressing just as we expected over there in Austria, and Simon is, as I've mentioned before, continuing to be the badass we were spoiled with last season. And last but not least, Andrew Engelage was picked up as a new prospect for the Calgary Flames and was invited to play in the Young Stars Tournament over the weekend and into this week. Several several writers have picked him among the top players to keep an eye on, and, of course, I heartily agree. The games have been livestreamed and there is one more tomorrow. You can watch them at 4 PM PT, on . ENJOY THE SHOW.
3. We have got some very interesting adds to the roster with the rookie Podge Turnbull from the college circuit and defenseman Lampl from the Steelheads. *excuse me while I dance around* LAMPL. You know those guys you watch in a different sweater kicking your ass on your own ice and making you wish he was on your bench? That's Lampl.
4. I'm going to repeat an earlier post and warn you again that the blog is about to undergo some major changes, but I promise they'll be worth it. At least, I sure hope so. Expect to see it rolled out sometime this weekend or next week.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Big Changes are Coming.
The Youareahockeyfan blog is growing exponentially and to accommodate all of the new features Goliath and I have planned for the upcoming season, the blog, as you now know it, is going to have to change. At this moment, I have a revamped site being constructed that will mean the end of a lot of things. All of the comments on past posts and pages will be gone (feel free to repost them at your leisure if you want once the new site is up)...though we've considered leaving the original blog intact for a while, all of my stats will be gone,...all of those pageviews gone...back to zero! And I've no idea what this will mean for our exposure for a while, so it may be harder to find us on the web until pageviews build up again, BUT
*purists....breathe now...breathe*
BUT....I really believe this is going to benefit everyone tied to the blog: myself, Goliath, the players and the readers. We'll no longer be confined to the blog itself, which means more media options, more networking options, and even a store where players, their family, friends, and fans will be able to purchase photographs from the games. Commenting will be easier. Contacting us will be easier. Goliath will have his own blog now (Saints preserve us!). Game recaps will now have a better option for photographs and video, which I feel is going to make the entire youareahockeyfan experience better in the long run.
This change has meant that we've had to incorporate and incorporating isn't my idea of a cup of tea, but, I promise you...players and readers alike, it'll still be the same old us, photographing the game, hanging out in the lobby, tossing snacks and cornering players for five second interviews. Goliath will still regularly amuse me, and I'll still regularly puzzle him. And our obsession with churros has not and will not subside.
Thank you so much, guys, for all of the support. I can't believe how far it's come. See you there!
*purists....breathe now...breathe*
BUT....I really believe this is going to benefit everyone tied to the blog: myself, Goliath, the players and the readers. We'll no longer be confined to the blog itself, which means more media options, more networking options, and even a store where players, their family, friends, and fans will be able to purchase photographs from the games. Commenting will be easier. Contacting us will be easier. Goliath will have his own blog now (Saints preserve us!). Game recaps will now have a better option for photographs and video, which I feel is going to make the entire youareahockeyfan experience better in the long run.
This change has meant that we've had to incorporate and incorporating isn't my idea of a cup of tea, but, I promise you...players and readers alike, it'll still be the same old us, photographing the game, hanging out in the lobby, tossing snacks and cornering players for five second interviews. Goliath will still regularly amuse me, and I'll still regularly puzzle him. And our obsession with churros has not and will not subside.
Thank you so much, guys, for all of the support. I can't believe how far it's come. See you there!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
the Grapefruit Cometh
So this morning...little did I know as I slept ever so peacefully....
That there were a number of people waiting for me with a message....
Several emails were waiting for me this morning hoping to inform me that one of my photographs was recently used in an article and was I aware of it. Their skepticism was due in part to the fact that the site claimed that the source of the photograph was "Archives"....which was clearly bullshit. (I don't know about you, but I never saw a photographer from Quebec in our press corner.)
Anyway, where were we? Ah yes...
No, I was not aware. Thank you, however, for informing me of it.
It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of my copyrighted photograph entitled "Maxime+leaning+into+the+ice+blog+ready" in the publishing of your article. I have reserved all rights to the photograph, which was first published on February 21 2011 on with copyright registered to me.
You neither asked for nor received permission to use this photograph within your article, nor to make or distribute copies of it. I was never contacted, compensated, or even credited. You removed my watermark, cropped my image, and referenced the source as from "Archives" which is clearly false. Therefore, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Section 101, et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages.
And is 22 years old. Not 26. Not 23. So the next time you decide to update your article, be sure to either remove the photograph you stole, or compensate me for it and properly credit it.
Sorry, guys, it's not in my nature to publicly address something like this, but theft is serious. It's not difficult to properly request permission, obtain permission, compensate and credit, or remove the image if payment and credit is just too much for your organization. When a company gets lazy and rips an image that is loss of revenue for me and for every photographer out there unable to properly showcase their work for fear of theft.
Thank you so much, readers, for looking out for me. I'm on this.
And Max, I remain as ever your biggest fan in Utah, best of luck to you with the new team...though I would much rather have you back here, of course. Take care!
That there were a number of people waiting for me with a message....
Several emails were waiting for me this morning hoping to inform me that one of my photographs was recently used in an article and was I aware of it. Their skepticism was due in part to the fact that the site claimed that the source of the photograph was "Archives"....which was clearly bullshit. (I don't know about you, but I never saw a photographer from Quebec in our press corner.)
Anyway, where were we? Ah yes...
No, I was not aware. Thank you, however, for informing me of it.
It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of my copyrighted photograph entitled "Maxime+leaning+into+the+ice+blog+ready" in the publishing of your article. I have reserved all rights to the photograph, which was first published on February 21 2011 on with copyright registered to me.
You neither asked for nor received permission to use this photograph within your article, nor to make or distribute copies of it. I was never contacted, compensated, or even credited. You removed my watermark, cropped my image, and referenced the source as from "Archives" which is clearly false. Therefore, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 USC Section 101, et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages.
And is 22 years old. Not 26. Not 23. So the next time you decide to update your article, be sure to either remove the photograph you stole, or compensate me for it and properly credit it.
![]() |
Pamplemousse poops on you. |
Sorry, guys, it's not in my nature to publicly address something like this, but theft is serious. It's not difficult to properly request permission, obtain permission, compensate and credit, or remove the image if payment and credit is just too much for your organization. When a company gets lazy and rips an image that is loss of revenue for me and for every photographer out there unable to properly showcase their work for fear of theft.
Thank you so much, readers, for looking out for me. I'm on this.
And Max, I remain as ever your biggest fan in Utah, best of luck to you with the new team...though I would much rather have you back here, of course. Take care!
Friday, August 26, 2011
It's a Matt Clarke!
Okay, so one thing led to another. I played around with some crayola markers (yes, the kind you can find in a grocery store) and made a Chris. Now I made a Matt Clarke. None of you are safe. ;)
And I'll have you know that I showed it to Goliath and he said "It's a Matt Clarke!"which made me very happy especially in the absence of a revelatory number on his sleeve....okay, not exactly...what Goliath really said was: "It's blonde guy defense number fifteen who is one of the guys who has the same name as some of the other guys...a what?"
And it was actually I who supplied the: "Matt?"
And then he who added the "Clarke".....eventually.
He had the gist.
And I'll have you know that I showed it to Goliath and he said "It's a Matt Clarke!"which made me very happy especially in the absence of a revelatory number on his sleeve....okay, not exactly...what Goliath really said was: "It's blonde guy defense number fifteen who is one of the guys who has the same name as some of the other guys...a what?"
And it was actually I who supplied the: "Matt?"
And then he who added the "Clarke".....eventually.
He had the gist.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
So I woke up realizing that there are fifty more days until puck drop. And what did I do? I grabbed some markers of course! And not the good ones...that's right...I used the mediocre markers because they were the closest!
Okay so it's not that great...but what do you want for eight in the morning (and cheap markers)?!
Also involved in this early morning atrocity was a half empty bottle of black ink and aqua ink. The rest came from seeing what would happen if I combined cheap markers with water. Chris, you were my experiment. I'll make it up to you, promise.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Good News! (UPDATED!)
So Chris Donovan, the Rookie of the Year, has signed up with us for another season...
YES YES YES on so many levels. (And Miss "Montreal"...if you scream out plus fort! in reply...this orange juice is going to go up my nose again and I'd rather it didn't.)
It should also be mentioned that Nick Tuzzolino also signed (do I sense an impending captaincy? Perhappppssss.) So guess what?
And Goliath is so sorry about that. Girls-who-love-hockey...what can you do?
1. Our Engy and Nick Tuzzolino enjoyed a fantastic game in New Zealand recently! Naturally, the kiwis were most impressed with our boys with Nick breaking the tie by nabbing a goal before the end of the second period for the Americans, and Engelage keeping them at three goals as his Canadian team prevailed with seven, even stopping an American penalty shot. Congratulations!
2. Giffen Nyren has his first test match with the Red Bulls over in Salzburg, Austria tonight...GOOD LUCK, GIFF! We're rooting for you!
3. Riley Emmerson has been busy fine tuning his skills up in Abbotsford and we hear is now engaged to his lovely girlfriend, Jennifer Shannon. Congratulations, you two, and best of luck!!
4. So we don't have Kevin Deeth after all. Kevin is being sent to the Stavanger Oilers in Norway and should be there in a day or two. Wow. What a huge blow to the Grizz. I am very interested to see what the plans are to make up for this loss. Best of luck, Kevin. The Oilers are a great team!
Have we missed any other new news? Let us know!!
YES YES YES on so many levels. (And Miss "Montreal"...if you scream out plus fort! in reply...this orange juice is going to go up my nose again and I'd rather it didn't.)
It should also be mentioned that Nick Tuzzolino also signed (do I sense an impending captaincy? Perhappppssss.) So guess what?
And Goliath is so sorry about that. Girls-who-love-hockey...what can you do?
1. Our Engy and Nick Tuzzolino enjoyed a fantastic game in New Zealand recently! Naturally, the kiwis were most impressed with our boys with Nick breaking the tie by nabbing a goal before the end of the second period for the Americans, and Engelage keeping them at three goals as his Canadian team prevailed with seven, even stopping an American penalty shot. Congratulations!
2. Giffen Nyren has his first test match with the Red Bulls over in Salzburg, Austria tonight...GOOD LUCK, GIFF! We're rooting for you!
3. Riley Emmerson has been busy fine tuning his skills up in Abbotsford and we hear is now engaged to his lovely girlfriend, Jennifer Shannon. Congratulations, you two, and best of luck!!
4. So we don't have Kevin Deeth after all. Kevin is being sent to the Stavanger Oilers in Norway and should be there in a day or two. Wow. What a huge blow to the Grizz. I am very interested to see what the plans are to make up for this loss. Best of luck, Kevin. The Oilers are a great team!
Have we missed any other new news? Let us know!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
![]() |
Denmark just got themselves one of the best men in the ECHL and the one I have loved best. You hear that Denmark? You do great things with him. You respect his fans, people like me who have loved him, and you do great things with him.
And as for you, Simon...I do know that this is what you wanted, what you were hoping for, since you yourself told me...and for this singular reason I'm happy for you, but as for me...well, I'm sure you can already guess.
There's a person over here, on this side of the Atlantic, standing by the Utah ice, who will always hold you in the highest esteem.
Kick ass, Simon.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Millions of Pieces of Happy
As Goliath and I were on our way home from the county rink this evening, I found myself becoming increasingly anxious over the complete and utter absence of news about the make up of our team for the upcoming season since the initial eight qualifying offers were announced. I'd already learned of all those who are leaving us so far, and those who may be leaving us and noticed certain interest being piqued on the subject of a certain captain by a certain country known for its terrible food and near constant rain which had already run off with Brock Wilson and Shea Guthrie.
I, of course, had a panic attack upon learning of this.
I get it. I do. But that doesn't mean I like it.
So as we were returning home, I couldn't help but complain to my dear long suffering Goliath my frustration....after are more and more teams announcing their contracts, and my Grizzlies had remained, painfully, maddeningly SILENT. translation...PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...I was saying to Goliath...give us some good news.
Eventually, however, Goliath took pity on me.
I, of course, had a panic attack upon learning of this.
I get it. I do. But that doesn't mean I like it.
So as we were returning home, I couldn't help but complain to my dear long suffering Goliath my frustration....after are more and more teams announcing their contracts, and my Grizzlies had remained, painfully, maddeningly SILENT. translation...PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...I was saying to Goliath...give us some good news.
Eventually, however, Goliath took pity on me.
Friday, July 8, 2011
New Rumblings
One of the nice things about the blog is that I get alerted fairly quickly to things happening...not by some special perk offered by management, but because the moment news springs up regarding one of the boys, I get flooded with hits pertaining to that individual from the country most interested in said news.
As a result, I knew about Hugo being dropped from the Flames roster before it occurred officially and his subsequent pick-up (link is in French, have fun...I did) by Saguenay, Brock Wilson and Shea Guthrie accepting contracts in the UK (Brock to the Nottingham Panthers and Shea Guthrie to the Coventry Blaze), JP Lamoureux going to the Austrian Elite League, Matt Reber making the All-Academic team for the third year, and what looks like Engy heading to New Zealand in a few weeks to put on a show for the Kiwis....and if that man doesn't make that country into a resulting den of rabid ice hockey fans I don't know what else will.
This, of course, in addition to the announcement of the eight qualifying offers issued...among those the familiar faces of Kevin Deeth, Paul McIlveen, Matt Clarke, David Shulz, Brendan Milnamow, and Samson Mahbod, in addition to, unseen in the Maverick Center last year but no less exciting, David Marshall and Igor Gongalsky.
I think it will take me some time to process the gains and losses. I am, of course, thrilled to see the offers being made on the likes of tremendous players like the Deether and Paul. You better believe Goliath and I will have a bag of sour patch kids waiting for Kevin the moment he steps off the ice October 14th and a huge man-hug for the man-with-the-hair, Paul McIlveen. Matt Clarke's legions of fan girls are certainly delighted with the news and management had better consider having him sign some autographs early enough in the season to calm the excitement. I'll get some photos set aside for David's return. And, of course, I am looking forward to seeing the friendly smile of Brendan Milnamow again. The Stockton Thunder were impressed with Samson, and so was Goliath and I though I do not like his wearing of the number 16 which will always be retired to a certain Tanguay in my mind. But Samson is a hell of a player and one we never had enough time to get to know, so I'm certainly looking forward to seeing him in the Center this fall. And he's from I'm sort of obligated to love him despite his choice of jersey numbers.
As for the new guys. Well, Igor must be loved if for nothing else than being named Igor. Besides, he has the stats and the history, as well as (from what we can see) a tough and physical game that makes him an obvious choice for the Utah Grizzlies. He'll be on our radar.
As for the "Marsh" David Marshall, I am definitely excited to see a man who's a bit of a fan favourite wherever he goes land some potential ice time in the Maverick Center, especially considering the loss of a community staple in Brock Wilson. And 22 points in 28 games? Come on, this is just stroke-worthy death-from-extreme-happiness potential here.
In the meantime, I am keeping one ear tuned to the news every day. No word yet on Simon. Or Giffen. Or Marcus or Chris or Brett or Riley or Tommy or Matt S. or Nick, etc. And it's about going to kill me. It'd probably be much easier if I had facebook to keep track of these crazy guys, but Goliath says Facebook is an evil den of viruses and old high school boyfriends which must be fended off with firewall of doom. *sigh*
As a result, I knew about Hugo being dropped from the Flames roster before it occurred officially and his subsequent pick-up (link is in French, have fun...I did) by Saguenay, Brock Wilson and Shea Guthrie accepting contracts in the UK (Brock to the Nottingham Panthers and Shea Guthrie to the Coventry Blaze), JP Lamoureux going to the Austrian Elite League, Matt Reber making the All-Academic team for the third year, and what looks like Engy heading to New Zealand in a few weeks to put on a show for the Kiwis....and if that man doesn't make that country into a resulting den of rabid ice hockey fans I don't know what else will.
This, of course, in addition to the announcement of the eight qualifying offers issued...among those the familiar faces of Kevin Deeth, Paul McIlveen, Matt Clarke, David Shulz, Brendan Milnamow, and Samson Mahbod, in addition to, unseen in the Maverick Center last year but no less exciting, David Marshall and Igor Gongalsky.
I think it will take me some time to process the gains and losses. I am, of course, thrilled to see the offers being made on the likes of tremendous players like the Deether and Paul. You better believe Goliath and I will have a bag of sour patch kids waiting for Kevin the moment he steps off the ice October 14th and a huge man-hug for the man-with-the-hair, Paul McIlveen. Matt Clarke's legions of fan girls are certainly delighted with the news and management had better consider having him sign some autographs early enough in the season to calm the excitement. I'll get some photos set aside for David's return. And, of course, I am looking forward to seeing the friendly smile of Brendan Milnamow again. The Stockton Thunder were impressed with Samson, and so was Goliath and I though I do not like his wearing of the number 16 which will always be retired to a certain Tanguay in my mind. But Samson is a hell of a player and one we never had enough time to get to know, so I'm certainly looking forward to seeing him in the Center this fall. And he's from I'm sort of obligated to love him despite his choice of jersey numbers.
As for the new guys. Well, Igor must be loved if for nothing else than being named Igor. Besides, he has the stats and the history, as well as (from what we can see) a tough and physical game that makes him an obvious choice for the Utah Grizzlies. He'll be on our radar.
As for the "Marsh" David Marshall, I am definitely excited to see a man who's a bit of a fan favourite wherever he goes land some potential ice time in the Maverick Center, especially considering the loss of a community staple in Brock Wilson. And 22 points in 28 games? Come on, this is just stroke-worthy death-from-extreme-happiness potential here.
In the meantime, I am keeping one ear tuned to the news every day. No word yet on Simon. Or Giffen. Or Marcus or Chris or Brett or Riley or Tommy or Matt S. or Nick, etc. And it's about going to kill me. It'd probably be much easier if I had facebook to keep track of these crazy guys, but Goliath says Facebook is an evil den of viruses and old high school boyfriends which must be fended off with firewall of doom. *sigh*
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
So....they signed the man with the magic hands, Alex Tanguay, to a five year extension worth a little over 17 million.
You know what this means right?
Alex? ;)
You know what this means right?
Alex? ;) the meantime....
Best news I could have heard all week. Don't know what took them so damn long...probably has something to do with the pleasure they take in giving myself and Jarome Iginla and the rest of the hockey world panic attacks. I mean, come on, what ever would we do without Tangs? *shivers*
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